Role Descriptors & Tasks within Full Scope
“A team-based or multidisciplinary approach to feeding and swallowing assessment in children is consistently recommended because of the complexity of dysphagia and to ensure care is coordinated appropriately.” (CADTH, 2017, p. 20)
Together with families, clinicians, AHS Health Professions Strategy & Practice (HPSP), AHS Co-Act, and professional colleges, the PEAS Project has developed the PEAS Role Descriptors and Tasks within Full Scope for healthcare providers to:
- Provide EFS clinicians with an adaptable tool to use as a way of highlighting, communicating, and clarifying overlaps and gaps within each individual team.
- Promote interprofessional care bringing together the unique perspectives of varied disciplines regardless of whether people work in co-located teams or are geographically spread out.
- Focus members of a care team on their collective team competence to address child and family centered goals for EFS.
- Provide a tool to identify and cover gaps in service (e.g. referrals and consultation with other care teams, training, recruitment, etc).
Download the Guide:
PEAS Role Descriptors and Tasks within Full Scope - Feb 2022
Roles diagram for Healthcare Providers:
Role resources to share with Families: