Professional Development

In addition to the Clinical Practice Guide for Healthcare Professionals, the following resources are available for healthcare professionals.

To recommend a resource or course, please use the Contact Us page or post your suggestion in our Community of Practice. To assess appropriateness for the PEAS website please refer to:

AHS Practice Wise: A NeuroRelational Approach to Client Care | Oct 10, 2019

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Responsive Feeding Therapy |

The Responsive Feeding Therapy (RFT) is a therapy model applicable to multidisciplinary teams supporting children with pediatric feeding disorder and adolescents transitioning to adulthood with food avoidance and restrictions. The approach focuses on the feeding relationship, individualized care, autonomy, intrinsic motivation, and individual’s competence.

Thickened Drinks and Liquids

  • International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI):

Tips for Success: Getting Through Mealtime Struggles - information for healthcare providers

  • Link to webinar series for families
  • Practice Wise - a sneak preview:

Video Resources

Measuring a G-Tube Stoma video

Insertion of a Mickey G-Tube

Insertion of a balloon style gastrostomy feeding tube

Insertion of an NG Tube

One day at a time: coping with home tube feeding


Kangaroo™ Connect Enteral Feeding Pump videos:

Children's Wisconsin videos | Gtube videos | Children's Wisconsin

Understanding Feeding Tubes

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


PEG tube, caring for your child's G-tube

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


Giving medicines through a feeding tube

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


Venting a G-tube

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


Why do children need GJ-tubes?

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


GJ-Tube: Cleaning the site

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


GJ-Tube: Securing the tube

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


Feedings through the GJ-tube

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos


GJ-tube: Flushing

*Note: some of our practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the videos

ASPEN: Blenderized Tube Feeding: Introduction (14:23)
This video provides an introduction to Home Blended Food for Tube Feeding.

*Please note some of our terminology and practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the video.

ASPEN: Clinical Questions When Administering Blenderized Tube Feeding (23:31)
This video highlights common questions about administration of Home Blended Food for Tube Feeding, discusses administration methods, and identifies and reinforces solutions to these challenges of delivery in order to optimize patient outcomes.

*Please note some of our terminology and practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the video.

ASPEN: Basics of Homemade Blenderized Tube Feeding Preparation (15:22)
This video covers methods of creating Home Blended Food for Tube Feeding (HBFTF), the current literature regarding concerns of food-borne infection and HBFTF, and food safety and sanitation measures in preparation.

*Please note some of our terminology and practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the video. In particular the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is not applicable and should be replaced with Canada’s Food Guide.

ASPEN: Transitioning to Blenderized Tube Feeding: Inpatient/Outpatient Settings and Insurance Coverage (20:04)
This video covers the transition of a patient from Commercial Enteral Formula to Home Blended Food for Tube Feeding and provides an understanding of the principles of home blends in various settings for adults and pediatric patients.

*Please note some of our terminology and practices at AHS may differ from those shown in the video, in particular the reference to American insurance coverage options.


Community of Practice: Relational Eating & Feeding discussion November 21, 2024 1:00-2:00pm

Description: Follow up to Relational Eating & Feeding Practice Wise (September 17). This is an opportunity to share what we’ve learned, and how it is/will impact the families we support.

Zoom link

Bridles Create a Bridge: The Path Towards an Enteral Feeding Program (Zoom)

October 15, 2024

Description: Learn about the implementation, process of a pediatric enteral feeding program, specifically as it pertains to the nasal bridle loop. The bridle procedure will be described in detail for learning and awareness. Dr. Lavoie will discuss her own program’s roll-out, successes, and learning opportunities along the way, as well as programmatic implementation in both the hospital and outpatient setting. Research outcomes will be shared. There will be time for discussion and questions at the end of session.

Zoom link:

Community of Practice: Thickener Use (Part 1) | June 13, 2024  

Description: An overview of thickeners available in Alberta, when to use what thickener, the pros and cons of each and overall considerations

Thickening for Pediatric Dysphagia PP

Community of Practice: Ensuring Seamless Support for Pediatric Enteral Feeding Transitions  | April 4, 2024, 2:30-4:00 PM

Description:  We will hear a family’s story of their transition from inpatient to outpatient with enteral feeding. We will then move into breakout rooms to discuss:

  • Does this story resonate with your experience with transitions?
  • Within your role, what change would you make to improve transitions?
  • What are some things you are seeing at your site to improve transitions for patients and families?
  • What are you doing well? What’s working well for families? How do you know it’s working well for families?

Zoom Link:

Community of Practice: Follow-up to Mental Health Session: Case study focus | March 14, 2024 

Description: A continuation to our mental health and eating, feeding, and swallowing discussion.


NRF Eating Case Powerpoint Presentation

Poop Chart Bristol Stool Chart Version

Poop Chart Happy versus Unhappy Poo

PEAS Community of Practice: Mental Health Landscape for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing | January 11, 2024 


Description: A review of the current landscape of mental health supports across Alberta to support pediatric feeding and swallowing. There is an overview of the NeuroRelational Framework (NRF) in relation to caregivers and children experiencing feeding difficulties. There is also an introduction to observational tools to understand the caregiver child dyad. Note: We understand that mental health is a complex topic and therefore plan to host a series of sessions around this topic.

Mental Health Landscape for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing PP Presentation

PEAS Community of Practice: Tube Weaning | September 26, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Description: Tube weaning is already part of our feeding journey for families across the province. However, is often an area that families (and clinicians) have identified where we do not always have a cohesive and targeted approach.  This CoP shared a pilot project being carried out at Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary.  The session also described current state, building the process, things to consider and current progress and outcomes. 

PEAS Presents: What's New in the Clinical Practice Guide | May 18, 2023

10:30-11:30am + Percolator (optional) 11:30-12pm

PEAS has updated the Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) to reflect new evidence and provide more information to healthcare providers caring for children with Pediatric Feeding Disorder. Learn about updates to some sections of the CPG including surgical treatment, choosing a soother, tube weaning, blended feeds, and the neurorelational framework.

Hear firsthand what the changes to the CPG are from a panel of AHS subject matter experts who authored them.

Audience: medical & health professionals



PEAS Community of Practice: Patient & Family Centered Care | April 25, 2023

Pediatric Eating and Swallowing (PEAS) hosted our first Community of Practice on April 25, 2023 with a focus on Patient & Family Centered Care. Topics included a powerful family story, updates about new resources for families and providers, a brief website tour of family-centered care resources, and information about how you can engage families and access support from AHS to do so.

0:00:00 - Introduction & PEAS Updates
0:08:30 - New PEAS Promotional materials
0:10:31 - Family Story: Chantelle
0:36:33 - Questions & Reflections
0:47:06 - PEAS Family Centered Care Resources
0:52:49 - Family Engagement in Your Area
0:59:02 - Wrap-up

PEAS Virtual Luncheon: Celebration & Sustainability Plans | Mar 7, 2023

Audience: medical & health professionals

PEAS hosted a virtual celebration event to wrap up the PEAS Project and transition it to practice and operations. The purpose of this event was to:

  • celebrate everyone's contributions to enhancing services for our patients and families
  • update from Leadership on the commitments to sustaining the PEAS work to date as we transition to operations


00:00:00 Welcome & Reflection
00:08:30 Team Spotlight
00:15:16 PEAS Updates
00:20:54 Team Spotlight
00:29:52 JeoPEASdy
00:48:04 Team Spotlight
00:56:49 Evaluation
01:03:19 Team Spotlight
01:09:58 Sustainability Plans
01:18:59 Team Spotlight
01:26:57 Next Steps & Closing Celebration

Tips for Success: Getting Through Mealtime Struggles - information for healthcare providers | Feb 15, 2023

  • Link to webinar series for families
  • Practice Wise - a sneak preview:

PEAS Presents - Eating, Feeding & Swallowing for children on the Autism Spectrum: Getting the info and figuring out what to do with it

PEAS has invited the Glenrose (Alberta) and Holland-Bloorview (Ontario) Rehabilitation Hospitals to co-present a two part series on autism and feeding. The first presentation will focus on Assessment, and the second will focus on Treatment.

  • Part 1: Assessment | Oct 26, 2022
    • Audience: medical & health professionals

    • Speaker Bios: Speaker_Bios_AutismPart1

    • Learning Objectives:

      • Discussion of important points to consider when assessing eating, feeding & swallowing with a child on the Autism Spectrum
      • To understand how to bring together assessment information to form appropriate goals
      • Case study presentation bringing together assessment details, synthesis of results and application to treatment
    • Slides: EFS for Children on the Autism Spectrum - Part 1 Assessment slides

0:00:00 Introduction
0:07:20 Presentation
0:55:51 Case Study
1:15:34 Questions & Answers

0:00:00 Introduction
0:05:53 Presentation
0:50:29 Case Study
1:05:12 Percolator

PEAS Innovation Learning Collaborative #4 | Sep 22, 2022

This is the final PEAS Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) workshop! We focused on:

  • Celebrating provincial achievements and final scorecard results.
  • Creating Sustainability Plans to sustain the gains and ensure continuous improvement.
  • Gathering your feedback on how we can transition from ‘project’ into ‘operations’ smoothly so that care providers and clients will continue to be supported.


0:00:00 Overview
0:13:04 Celebration of Provincial Progress
0:22:47 Introduction to Sustainability
0:40:19 PEAS Provincial Sustainability Plans
0:44:35 World Café Small Groups - Provincial Sustainability Plans
0:51:15 World Café themes: Summary & Discussion
1:09:09 Small Groups: Sustainability Planning at a Site / Team level
===Teams went into Breakout Rooms to work on Sustainability Plans===
1:14:07 Report Out
1:33:12 Wrap Up & Next Steps

Feeding disorders from the gastroenterologist’s perspective: Broadening the differential diagnosis
May 31, 2022 | 2-3pm + Percolator 3-3:30pm

PEAS invited Dr. Rachel Rosen, a Pediatric Gastroenterologist, to speak about feeding disorders and intolerance. She is the Director of the Aerodigestive Center at Boston Children's Hospital, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

Audience: medical & health professionals

Learning Objectives:

  • To review the current treatment algorithms for feeding difficulties
  • To understand the role of diagnostic testing in pediatric feeding disorder patients
  • To discuss novel therapies offering future promise in pediatrics
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:41 Presentation
0:54:04 Questions & Answers (Main Session)
0:59:17 Wrap Up (Main Session)
1:01:09 Percolator Time (Optional opportunity for additional questions & discussion)

Multidisciplinary Group Strategies for Expanding Food Choices for Children with Pediatric Feeding Disorder
April 27, 2022 | 9-10am + Percolator 10-10:30am

PEAS invited Carrie Owen, an accredited Occupational Therapist and Lactation Consultant, to speak about novel ways to manage waitlists using a group treatment model and online learning modules, evaluate program outcomes, and the value of interprofessional teamwork. Carrie is a program designer, facilitator, researcher, lecturer and author in the field of feeding and related developmental needs of infants, children and teens. She coordinated, developed and consults to the feeding clinics at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and has developed an Online Learning Module for the reluctant feeder. Carrie is a clinical researcher and has been the principal investigator for three research projects focusing on interventions for children with pediatric feeding disorders. Carrie has won two of CHEO’s Gold Ribbon awards for Innovation and Stewardship.

Audience: medical & health professionals

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the program evaluation results for CHEO interprofessional (IP) feeding group
  • Apply methods for managing extensive wait list for children with feeding challenges
  • Outline parent perceptions of an interprofessional feeding group treatment model
  • Illustrate an online learning module for families of children with feeding challenges


0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:39 Presentation
0:50:20 Questions & Answers (Main Session)
1:02:09 Wrap Up (Main Session)
1:04:10 Percolator Time (Optional opportunity for additional questions & discussion)

PEAS ILC 3 workshop | Mar 3, 2022

This was the third workshop in a series of Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) workshops for teams to focus on implementing the PEAS clinical pathway. At this workshop, we heard a heart-warming family story about a new mom and her adopted daughter and the importance of having a written Care Plan, we celebrated successes and shared challenges amongst teams, and each team worked on updating their Balanced Scorecard and quality improvement Action Plan. The next ILC will be in the fall of 2022 to re-evaluate and adjust balanced scorecards and action plans, and develop a sustainability plan.

0:00:00 Overview
0:10:45 Family Story
0:25:05 Celebration of Provincial Progress
0:39:44 Curbside Consulting & Care Planning
1:30:33 Break
1:40:40 Breakout Room instructions
===Teams went into Breakout Rooms to work on Balanced Scorecards & Action Plans===
1:49:17 Report Out
2:13:09 Wrap Up & Next Steps

Calgary Pediatric Grand Rounds: Pediatric Eating And Swallowing (PEAS) Provincial Project
Jan 5, 2022

Audience: health providers and leaders

Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:

  • Define pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) and understand its scope and implications for practice
  • Demonstrate PEAS resources that will be helpful to you and your patients with PFD
  • Describe PFD referral pathways in Alberta

PEAS Overview for Peds Grand Rounds - Jan 5 2022

Responsive Feeding Therapy in Action: A Case Study of Limited Food Variety
Nov 24, 2021 | 11-12pm + Percolator 12-12:30pm

PEAS invited Grace Wong, RD, MSc, CEDRD-S to speak about responsive feeding therapy using illustrative case studies. Grace is a clinical dietitian practicing in Calgary, Alberta. She has 15 years of clinical experience in mental health and pediatric nutrition. She works with a diverse presentation of feeding and eating disorders. She is experienced in working with co-existing conditions including ADHD, autism spectrum, sensory processing challenges, anxiety, depression, addictions and trauma.

Audience: medical & health professionals

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learners will identify 3 tools that support the intervention process (pediatric feeding care cycle, food record, goal wheel)
  2. Learners will understand the application of Responsive Feeding Therapy in practice and interventions
  3. Learners will be able to apply/create a framework for case conceptualization and developing interventions


0:00:00 Introduction
0:03:12 Presentation & Case Study
0:58:15 Questions & Answers (30 min)

PEAS ILC 2 workshop | Sep 15, 2021

"Better has no limit" - Yiddish Proverb

This was the second workshop in a series of Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) workshops for teams to focus on implementing the PEAS clinical pathway. At this workshop, we heard a moving story from a family about the lengths they went to for their child and the importance of family-centered care, we celebrated successes and shared challenges amongst teams, and each team worked on updating their Balanced Scorecard and quality improvement Action Plan. The next ILC will be in the spring of 2022 to re-evaluate and adjust balanced scorecards and action plans, and develop a sustainability plan.

0:00:00 Overview
0:12:48 Family Story
0:34:27 Celebration of Teams & Report Out
1:12:09 Curbside Consulting & Care Planning
1:34:39 Break
1:45:50 Breakout Room instructions
===Teams went into Breakout Rooms to develop Balanced Scorecards & Action Plans===
1:52:36 Report Out
2:11:49 Wrap Up & Next Steps

Quality Improvement along the Patient Journey:
quality improvement tools, examples and panel discussion
June 16, 2021 from 3-4pm | Virtual

The Pediatric Eating And Swallowing (PEAS) project hosted a Quality Improvement webinar where panelists introduced practical tools to help teams target and implement improvements along the patient journey. Panelists included a Family member and AHS Quality Improvement consultants involved in the PEAS project. They demonstrated quality improvement tools such as Patient Journey Mapping, Root Cause Analysis, Plan-Do-Study-Act test cycles, and more!

Audience: health providers and leaders

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  • Describe basic elements of a quality improvement approach
  • Know who/where to access improvement tools and resources
  • Describe the various types of mapping that can be done to understand ‘current state’
  • Understand the steps to executing a successful PDSA test cycle


Introducing what PEAS can do for you and your patients
University of Alberta Grand Rounds | June 3, 2021 from 8-9am | Virtual

Audience: health providers and leaders

Learning Objectives:

  • To define pediatric feeding disorder and the scope of the problem
  • To introduce the PEAS project
  • To demonstrate the resources that will be helpful to you and your patients with Pediatric Feeding Disorders

PEAS Overview for U of A Peds Grand Rounds PowerPoint - Jun 3 2021

Understanding Pediatric Feeding Disorders:
Introduction to assessment, treatment planning, and clinical management
April 14, 2021 from 2-3pm | Virtual

PEAS invited Alan Silverman, PhD, one of the lead authors of the seminal Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) diagnostic framework paper to introduce PFD with differential features computing and contrasting with eating disorders and ARFID. His talk included illustrative case studies. Audience: medical & health professionals.

00:00 Introduction & PEAS Overview
2:30 Understanding PFD
33:55 Case Studies
45:20 Questions and Answers

PEAS ILC 1 workshop | Feb 4, 2021

After the Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) Orientation session on Nov 26, 2020, AHS Eating, Feeding and Swallowing teams rolled up their sleeves to each create a balanced scorecard and action plan at ILC #1 on Feb 4, 2021. This was the first workshop in a series of 3 Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) workshops for teams to focus on implementing the PEAS clinical pathway. The next ILCs are 6-8 months apart to re-evaluate and adjust balanced scorecards and action plans.

0:00:00​ Overview
0:08:47​ Family Story
0:27:55​ ILC Methodology
0:50:08​ Key Performance Indicators
1:06:39​ Breakout Room instructions
====Teams went into Breakout Rooms to develop Balanced Scorecards & Action Plans====
1:11:34​ Report Out
1:32:49​ Wrap Up & Next Steps

AHS SLP Grand Rounds | Dec 2, 2020

PEAS presented at the AHS Speech-Language Pathology Grand Rounds and all disciplines were invited to attend. The focus was on the PEAS Clinical Practice Guide: a closer look at swallowing.
Learning Goals: 1) Screening for Pediatric Feeding Disorder and Dysphagia, 2) Assessment and Diagnosis of Pediatric Feeding Disorder and Dysphagia, 3) Pediatric Feeding Disorder and Dysphagia management and resources


PEAS ILC Orientation & Team Charter Development workshop | Nov 25, 2020

PEAS hosted a 3 hour online Orientation Session to introduce the concept of an Innovation Learning Collaborative (ILC) methodology which we will be using over the next 16 months to help AHS teams to implement the PEAS Clinical Pathway. Teams also had facilitated breakout sessions to work on their Team Charters with the aim of improving collaborative practice.

0:00:00 Overview & Mindfulness Moment
0:10:21 Family & Provider Story
0:28:45 ILC Methodology
0:54:50 Example Implementation
1:16:22 Team Charters
==== Teams went into Breakout Rooms to develop Team Charters ====
1:30:05 Report Out
1:46:31 Wrap Up & Next Steps


Pediatric Eating And Swallowing (PEAS) Virtual Training sessions | Summer & Fall 2020

This summer and fall, the PEAS team presented a series of webinars for healthcare providers and practice leaders demonstrating the new website and tools, clinical practice guide, and collaborative practice resources. Over 600 people registered for the webinar series and 100% of survey respondents said that they would use the PEAS website.

Session 1: Overview & New Tools


Session 2: PEAS Clinical Practice Guide


Session 3: Collaborative Practice & Roles


Additional Session: Collaborative Practice & Roles for AHS Managers and Practice Leaders

AHS Breastfeeding Course
Alberta’s go-to online 20-hour breastfeeding course for healthcare professionals.

The Alberta Breastfeeding Committee is proud to present “Optimizing Breastfeeding Success” a live virtual conference for healthcare professionals.

Dr. Brown's Medical Webinars

Feeding Matters Virtual Education
Offers virtual education workshops, conferences and webinars related to pediatric feeding disorder. 

Interntational Pediatric Feeding Disorder conference

PEAS is excited to be presenting at this international conference again! It's an excellent conference, very affordable and entirely virtual.

  • Dates: April 13-14 with pre-conference events on April 12, 2023
  • Audience: healthcare providers & families
  • ​Registration:
  • AHS Discount: Use the last option in the Ticket Type drop down menu under “Alberta Health Services” to receive our discounted group rate

International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI)
Check regularly under Upcoming Events for webinars

Fragile Infant Feeding Institute
Conference focusing on supporting oral feeding in a fragile infant population. Search for their Facebook page for more information.

Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP)
Training in developmental observation and assessment for healthcare professionals who care for newborns and preterm infants and their families. A key focus of the NIDCAP program is the educational and consultative support and assistance to NICU and special care nursery settings towards effective delivery of intensive and special care in a neurodevelopmentally supportive, individualized, and family-centered framework.

Pressure & Permission
Webinar focusing on the influence of pressure on a child’s ability to participate in mealtimes, to learn from food opportunities, and enjoy eating. You will learn to help families establish a pressure-free zone at the table and be more responsive at mealtimes.

Presented by Marsha Dunn Klein, OTR/L, M.Ed., FAOTA | On-demand, 2.0 hrs | 30-day access

SOS Approach to Feeding
Offers professional workshops both in person (foundational) and online (advanced), mentorship, and certification opportunities.

The Get Permission Approach
Developed by Marsha Dunn Klein. Workshops related to a collection of proven strategies to lovingly support children and families who have feeding challenges.

Virtual Dysphagia Practice | AHS Practice Wise
Jan 20, 2022